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Meet Becky,

Becky Udman, using the tools of Love and Logic and inspired by Conscious Discipline, shares with parents, teachers, and administrators how to raise responsible children of all ages while enjoying the process.

Becky has been a featured presenter at national educational conferences and has run dozens of parenting and classroom management workshops throughout North America. She offers fully comprehensive packages for each area of education.


Becky’s parenting series consists of three sessions walking participants through the top four common ineffective tools used in parenting and guiding them to effective, easy to implement, replacement tools. With four in-depth audio recordings, including a prerecorded Q&A session, this series gives parents the basic tools to begin implementing change in their parenting. 


Similar to the parenting series, the teacher’s series also consists of three-part audio series. Teachers will learn specific strategies to help them have more time to actually teach and turn potential power struggles into opportunities to connect to even the most difficult students. After hearing the three  recordings, participants are able to schedule a one-on-one, 30-minute Q & A consultation as part of signing up for this series (a $75.00 value).


Live workshops are Becky’s most popular for a reason. Becky values the time she spends in advance of each full day workshop getting know the schools and parenting groups that she works with to plan a presentation that is unique for the specific needs of their school and community.

Pick a course that suits you



Parents will walk through the top four common ineffective tools used in parenting and be guided into effective, easy to implement, replacement tools.

Three-part audio series


Printable Companion Workbook


45 minute consultation with Becky



Teachers will learn specific strategies to help them have more time to actually teach and turn potential power struggles into opportunities to connect to even the most difficult students.

Three-part audio series 


Printable Companion Workbook


45 minute consultation with Becky



Becky prepares in advance of each full day workshop getting to know the schools and parenting groups that she works with to plan a presentation that is unique for the specific needs of their school and community.

Four-part video workshop series


Printable Companion Workbooks


Goal & Action Plan Worksheets

A Teacher Grew In Her Own Approach With Preschoolers

A Teacher Grew In Her Own Approach With Preschoolers

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Interested in a one-on-one with Becky?

Becky offers private phone consultations for those who want a more personal plan 

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